This assignment is about exploring the role of self-interest in ethical decision making and discussing examples of ethical behavior in the workplace, political decisions, and daily interactions.

The purpose of this discussion is to explore the extent to which ethical decisions may or may not be driven by self-interest and to clarify one’s own moral beliefs about ethical behavior. We make ethical decisions daily, and this discussion is especially relevant to decisions we make in our jobs and while living in communities with others. These decisions also relate to political interactions between cultures and nations today. What kinds of ethical behaviors would you want to use and see others use in the workplace, in political decisions that affect many, or in your daily interactions with others?
Watch the video included below and then respond to the questions.
Summarize the debate between Plato and Glaucon. What does Plato conclude about doing the right thing, even when we can do the wrong thing without being discovered?
What does the story of Gyges tell us about human nature? Are people naturally good or naturally bad?
Discuss one example of a situation from your daily life or the workplace that involves the temptation to do something wrong without being found out. What reasons can you give for doing the right thing anyway?
Expectations and Criteria for Success
Your discussion post should answer each question above in at least two to three sentences and provide arguments and evidence to support your responses. Successful posts will answer each question with specific examples and details from the assigned sources.